Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Good evening Friends

As many of you know my last child (Boy) is getting married in just a little over a month <3 <3  Even though I am very excited, sometimes I catch myself remembering him when he was little and all the things he was learning.  Now I am sure there are times that you have done this especially if you have been in my shoes!!  Why does it seem so hard in handing over the torch and learning to let go and watch them fly.  Somehow I have a lump in my throat that just won't seem to go away.

Now I know that however this is normal, but a little piece of me wants to hold onto him forever.  Such an exciting time when you watch your children grow and dream of all the possibilities they have coming their way and what they wanted to be when they grow up......Watching and listening, it seems like it was yesterday....Time sure does fly, because now he is taking on a wife and I am still thinking to myself, when did he grow up?

This has certainly been a journey because I will never forget the moment that my phone rang and his voice on the other end said, "hey mom, wanna go have dinner"?  Now he was working but he said he took an extended lunch.....my heart just knew what he was going to say.  I will never forget the smile on his face....(The size of a football field) when he said, I am gonna ask her to be my wife!  My heart was so happy, and the tears were happy tears, but I was still thinking to myself, he can't be over 16!  How on earth did time pass so quickly.

He planned out the proposal very carefully and I will never forget the pride that he had, because Emma had no clue... That is what makes this so exciting is when it is a complete surprise.  Wedding Planning 101 had began.  From saying YES to the dress to finding a venue and getting everything else coordinated, we are 35 days until My Son marries his Best Friend!

This momma couldn't be any happier because to watch these two just being with each other, I know that their life will be blessed in so many ways!  I am gaining so much in this moment that I know my son will be well taken care of because Emma is truly the best thing that has happened in his life and we can't wait to welcome her into our family FOREVER!

So I say this to my son....I know he will remember this from his childhood because we read this book a million times over.....I'll Love you Forever..I'll Like you for Always,,,As Long As I'm living...My Baby You'll Be....  Bring on November 6, 2016 <3 <3 <3  Two Hearts will Join as ONE

Love always my Son......Mom

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